Föreningens stadgar
By-laws for Kungsholmens Gymnasiums Astronomiska Sällskap
Adopted at the constituent annual meeting 2021-08-27 at Kungsholmen.
§1 Name of association
mom 1 The name of the association is “Kungsholmens Gymnasiums Astronomiska Sällskap” ("KGAS").
§2 Association and objective
mom 1 The association's purpose is to inspire and spread further knowledge about astronomy.
mom 2 The association is part of the Swedish Astronomisk Ungdom Association (org nr. 802467-7182).
mom 3 The association is a politically and religiously unbound ideal organisation.
mom 4 The association’s financial year and activities start from january 1 to december 31.
mom 5 The board’s headquarters is located in Stockholm.
§3 Membership
mom 1 All students of the school, and only students of the school, which share the values in the purpose of the association according to §2 have the right to become a member. Members are accepted by the association by a written notification to the board and payment of a possible member fee.
mom 2 All members may participate in the association’s operations.
mom 3 Every member owns a vote at the association's annual meeting.
mom 4 Every member has the right to lift a motion at the annual meeting.
mom 5 The annual fee’s quantity is decided at the annual meeting.
mom 8The association shall keep a register of its members.
mom 9 Membership is valid during the calendar year in which the membership is signed.
§4 Organisation
mom 1 The association’s deciding organs are ranked in order as follows:
1. Annual meeting
2. Board meeting
§5 Annual meeting
mom 1 The annual meeting is to be held once per year.
mom 2 Annual meeting documents such as the annual report, financial statements, propositions and motions shall be made available to all members before the annual meeting.
mom 3 These points must be included at the annual meeting:
-Opening of the annual meeting
- Election of chairman of annual meeting
- Election of secretary of the annual meeting
- Questioning of timely summoning of the annual meeting
- Constitution of electoral register
- Presentation of annual account
- Presentation of the annual report
- Presentation of revision
- Question of giving discharge for the resigning board
-Determination of annual fee for the current year
- Hearing of eventual motions and bills
- Constitution of eventual new membership fee
-Determining the size of the board
- Election of new board: President, Treasurer, Secretary.
- Election of one accountant
- Other points
- Termination of the annual meeting
mom 4 An Extra annual meeting shall be convened when the Board, a majority of the auditors or a majority of the shareholders' meeting so wishes. For an extraordinary annual meeting, the order of the person convening the meeting is elected, and it is decided in the same order as the Annual General Meeting.
mom 5 Prior to the annual meeting, all members have the right to submit motions. Motions must be received by the board no later than one week before the annual meeting.
mom 6 Decisions on the “Other points” are made by at least a two-thirds majority.
§6 Board
mom 1 The Association's Board consists of at least a Chairman, secretary and treasurer and shall be appointed at the annual meeting.
mom 2 The board is elected and is responsible for the annual meeting. The Board's task is to coordinate the activities.
mom 3 The board’s decisions are validated if at least half of the members are present at the meeting.
mom 4 In cases of equal voting numbers, the president’s vote is decisive.
mom 5 The board shall appoint one or more signatories.
§7 Revision
mom 1 The auditor(s) elected by the annual meeting shall:
- Monitor the board’s operation from an economical as well as an operational perspective and from this produce a revision to be presented to the annual meeting.
- Revise the accounts produced by the treasurer.
mom 2 The annual meeting shall select an auditor. The auditor may not be a part of the previous board and shall be independent in relation to the board.
mom 3 The annual meeting may choose a deputy auditor with the task to step in if the primary auditor for some reason may not complete its task.
§8 Voting
mom 1 A simple majority rule is applied to a vote if nothing else is dictated.
mom 2 In case of an even vote, the president’s vote is decisive. If the president is not present the chairman of the meeting possesses the decisive vote.
§9 Nomination Committee
mom 1 The annual meeting may, if it so wishes, select a nomination committee. Nominees may not sit in the board or be auditors.
mom 2 The task of the nomination committee is to submit proposals for the election of people at the annual meeting.
mom 3 If no nomination committee is selected their tasks are the responsibility of the board.
§ 10 By-law amendments
mom 1 Amendments to these by-laws requires a decision at the annual meeting by a two-thirds majority.
mom 2 A change of by-laws may only be done in what has been stated in the summons as well as in the matters that the unanimous meeting decides to take up.
mom 3 Modifications of this set of by-laws may occur at an annual meeting with at least two thirds of the vote in support, or with a simple majority vote at two consecutive annual meetings separated by at least two weeks in time.
mom 4 In case of modification to the by-laws, a copy of the updated version shall be submitted within one week of the annual meeting to the school leadership to be approved.
§11 Dissolution
mom 1 Decisions on the dissolution of the association can only be made with two consecutive annual meetings with at least a two-thirds majority on both occasions. For the vote to be valid, a motion or bill must have been submitted correctly according to the by-laws.
mom 2 Upon dissolution of the association, its assets shall go to Astronomisk Ungdom.
§12 Withdrawal and exclusion
mom 1 A member who wishes to resign from the association can do so by written notification to the board.
mom 2 Members who violate the association’s statutes, damage its authority or oppose its purpose, may be expelled by the association board with immediate action.
mom 3 The exclusion must be confirmed by the annual meeting, whereby the excluded party has the right to express an opinion.